St George’s Day 2017

Baden Powell chose St George to be the Patron Saint of the Scout Association. He felt that St George set a good example of faith, courage and perseverance.

So today, the 23rd April 2017 Hornchurch held their annual St George’s Day Parade and we were pleased that the Mayor of Havering, Councillor Philippa Crowder was able to join us for our celebrations. We were fortunate that the weather was fine, there were lots of smiling faces with the young people and Leaders wearing their uniform with pride and as with all St George’s Day celebrations during the service, all present were able to renew their Promise.

Hornchurch District is a great place to be a Beaver, Cub, Scout, Explorer, Network or Adult Leader/Supporter, and a big thank you to each and everyone who attended.

Debbie Carter

District Commissioner

April 23, 2017
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Charity Number: 303699