District Cub Camp 2017
This year’s camp was held at Gilwell park (the home of Scouting).
It was attended by 10 Hornchurch Cub Groups. There were plenty of site activities Freefall 2, Ariel Trek, Wobbly Pole, Jacobs Ladder and also our own bases to keep the Cubs entertained. Saturday evening there were bases supplied by each group and the Cubs went round and had a go at all of these. The weather held out and the sun shone most of the time. On the Sunday morning, we held the District Cubs Sports day, sports included were obstacle course, welly throwing, sack race, egg and spoon and normal running.
The results of the Sports day were
1st 2nd Squirrels Heath
2nd 7th Hornchurch
3rd 8th Hornchurch Jupiter
Well done to the Cub of the camp who received a certificate and also a Scout hand spinner which was the envy of all the Cubs. I am sure that all the Cubs and leaders had a really good time. I know my Cubs are looking forward to next Year.
Thanks to all the leaders that worked together to make this event happen.
Bob Wallace DCSL