District PL Weekend
On the 26th April 15 Scouts from across the District came together for a Patrol Leaders (PL) training weekend at Thriftwood. The weekend started off very wet and windy but being Scouts, everyone was prepared with their waterproofs. Roger Huggett organised the weekend and programme to ensure the Scouts gained as much knowledge as possible. The Scouts started off learning about being a Patrol Leader and the skills, knowledge and experience required to run a patrol. After a short piece of theory work on running a patrol, planning a camp, including menu and activities, it wasn’t long before the Scouts were in teams and carrying out practical skills. Starting off with knots & lashings, lamps & stoves, bearings, first aid and using axes the Scouts had a full morning of activities. Following lunch they started work on compass points, fire lighting, problem solving and building a stretcher for their casualty.
After a busy start there was a short session on patrol forums, the Scouting structure and moving on to Explorers. The fun didn’t stop at dinner time as the Scouts worked together in several wide games when the leaders ‘lost’ them in the woods. They successfully navigated their way back to site for a campfire and a couple of games of Uno.
Sunday was just as busy with teams working together to build a floating raft that could support a lit candle. After packing away, everyone was presented with their Team Leader challenge award and a certification of completion.
Thank you to Roger Huggett for organising such an action packed weekend for our PL’s of tomorrow. My thanks also to Marc and Sarah-Jane Scarce for catering over the weekend. Not forgetting Gerry Merritt, Allyson Cheung, Dean Holden, Jessica Scrace, John Reed and Marc Scrace for running various bases and activities. Thank you all for the hard work and dedication you’ve shown to the Scout section. Here’s to our next event, the District Hiking Weekend on the 29th – 30th June.
Dean Claxton
ADC Scout Events