2nd Squirrels Heath Beavers and Cubs Remembrance Day Designs

In commemoration of Remembrance Day, we believed that it was vital that we as a group did our part to remember the fallen soldiers and commemorate this very important day in our history. Due to the current lockdown restrictions, we asked our Beavers and Cubs to create a drawing of a relevant image (eg- a soldier, poppy etc.) on a sheet of A4 and colour it, at home. Once drawn and coloured, we then asked for the Beavers and Cubs to write a few simple sentences at the bottom of their work, answering the question “Why is it important that we wear a poppy?”

We asked the parents of our Beavers and Cubs to then email us two photos- one of just their child’s design, and one of their child in uniform holding their design up.

The designs we received were excellent and very creative, and we were astonished at the amount of our group that took part to commemorate the fallen soldiers and their sacrifice for our country. Well done to all of our Beavers and Cubs that took part in this very important project. You should all be very proud of yourselves.

When we return to normal meetings, hopefully in the new year, we have the intention of creating a collage with all of the designs.

Charlie L – Young Leader for 2nd Squirrels Heath Beavers Colony

June 30, 2020
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