2nd Squirrels Heath Beavers St Francis Hospice

Our Beavers have recently taken part in a very special and important project for St Francis Hospice. The Beavers drew and coloured Cheerful Pictures for display at a local hospice and also collected money for the Jam Jar Army, to donate to the independent charity. The project links to the Beavers World Challenge Badge and involves a community project and helping the wider community. Due to the pandemic, helping the local community together at this time is difficult, however we thought of an excellent project with St Francis Hospice for the Beavers to take part in safely. The hospice have worked tirelessly throughout the course of the pandemic so it was important for us to provide them with some donations to contribute to their endless quality care for their patients. The photo collages below show our Beavers Jam Jars and their amazing drawings, which they should be extremely proud of! Their generous contributions will make a massive difference to the hospice!

Charlie Lovegrove

December 5, 2020
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