District Cubs Archery Competition 2021

The District Cubs Archery Competition was held at 2nd Squirrels Heath HQ, Arnaud Lodge on the 9th October. It was split into 3 age groups under 9 under 10 and under 11. There were 3 trophies in each age group for the cubs to win and also keep.

We have never had so many Cubs attend the Archery before. 78 Cubs attended.

The weather was very warm and sunny. While not completing they spent time outside either watching a video or playing on the grass.

Due to the large numbers we had to extend the times for the under 10’s. But with What’s app available to some of the groups the parents were informed.

All the Cubs enjoyed the day. Drinks crisps and sweets were given to the Cubs.

I would also like to thank the leaders that stayed to help run the event. John Reed, Richard Thorn, John Dodd, Allison Chung, Chris Plume, Jemma Styles, Sarah Matthews, Glen Tarten-Hughes, Amelia Lavender and any one I have missed out. Without your help we could not put on such a good event.


Under 9Under 10
Under 11
Ralph26William36Francies311st Corbets Tey22
Louis25Aaron34Ethan302nd Elm Park21.14
Joseph24Daniel32Maggie261st Upminster21

Bob Wallace ADC Cubs (Events)

June 30, 2021
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