Welcome to Hornchurch District
Scouting offers challenge and adventure to 400,000 young people and 100,000 adults across the UK and here in Hornchurch District we are proud to offer Scouting to over 1500 of these youngsters, in Squirrel Dreys, Beaver Colonies, Cub Packs, Scout Troops and Explorer Units in Ardleigh Green, Corbets Tey, Cranham, Elm Park, Emerson Park, Hornchurch, Rainham and Upminster.
We believe in helping our Members fulfil their potential by working in teams and this gives them the skill to do and think for themselves. People from every background and culture have the opportunity to stretch themselves, learn new skills and make life long friends.
Whatever your age, Scouting in the 21st century is challenging, stimulating, imaginative, rewarding and above all FUN!!! Scouting is for young people from the age of 6 through to 25, with each of these youth sections following an exciting programme.
The challenge and adventure isn’t just for our youth members. Adult volunteers have lots of fun too, in the knowledge that they are giving something back to society by helping children and young people meet their potential.